Can't save profile info in admin and user timezone

Issue #111 new
Kiat Siong Ng created an issue

In admin > Profile or URL: domain/admin/index.php/my_account, write something in Bio or change Locale, then click the Save button. Nothing happens.

Also, it will be good to include the timezone field, in which the default should be the same as System/Settings, or default to the admin user location from HTML5 Geolocation.

Comments (2)

  1. Kiat Siong Ng reporter

    When I tried saving it with js $('#my_account-form').submit() in my browser console, it says Success Changes have been saved, but nothing is saved.

  2. Kiat Siong Ng reporter

    Reference FCom_Admin_Controller::action_my_account__POST():

    I added the following debug code:

            $model = $this->FCom_Admin_Model_User->sessionUser();
            $r = $this->BRequest;
            $data = $r->post('model');
            $var = [$model,$data];
            return $this->BDebug->vardump($var, $this);

    Here's the result:

    array(19) {
      ["id"] => float(1)
      ["superior_id"] => NULL
      ["username"] => string(4) "kiat"
      ["is_superadmin"] => float(1)
      ["role_id"] => NULL
      ["email"] => string(18) ""
      ["firstname"] => string(4) "kiat"
      ["lastname"] => string(2) "ng"
      ["phone"] => NULL
      ["phone_ext"] => NULL
      ["fax"] => NULL
      ["status"] => string(1) "A"
      ["tz"] => string(14) "Asia/Singapore"
      ["locale"] => string(5) "en_US"
      ["create_at"] => string(19) "2017-06-05 08:32:12"
      ["update_at"] => string(19) "2017-06-14 11:42:38"
      ["g2fa_status"] => float(0)
      ["data_serialized"] => NULL
      ["thumb"] => string(81) ""
    array(7) {
      ["username"] => string(4) "kiat"
      ["email"] => string(18) ""
      ["password_current"] => string(8) "mypassword"
      ["password"] => string(0) ""
      ["password_confirm"] => string(0) ""
      ["firstname"] => string(4) "kiat"
      ["lastname"] => string(2) "ng"

    First, the field Bio seems to be deprecated, which is good. Second, the field locale is missing in $data. Hope this help.

    Is the current admin to be replaced by adminSPA, if it is, then this issue isn't that critical, I'll just wait for the SPA.

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