Installation issue

Issue #61 resolved
Matthéo Geoffray created an issue

Hello, I would like to install Sellvana locally but I have an error at the step 2.

Migrating modules DB structure...

*[1/1] Installing FCom_Admin: 0.1.7 ... 0.1.7;

Invalid table name: fcom_module


LOCATION: /Users/merlin/Sites/DEV/Sellvana/Project/core/FCom/Install/Controller.php:121

There was an error, please check the output or log file and try again.*

My configuration : - MAMP Pro - PHP 5.3.28 - MySQL 5.5.34 - virtualhost :


Comments (11)

  1. Mosses Akizian
    • changed status to open

    Hi mgeoffray. I wasn't able to reproduce the issue on MAMP Pro. This could be attributed to local name resolution. In your MAMP server name field, try projectname.local and rerun the installation after restarting mamp apache/mysql.

  2. Matthéo Geoffray reporter

    I changed my host to, I try to set the port to 80 to remove :8888 but that changed nothing. But I think it is a MySQL error not an apache one. I have : * MySQL ver. 5.5.34 * Collation : utf8_general_ci * user : root * host : localhost Is there some obligations for the MySQL configuration ?

  3. Boris Gurvich

    Hello @mgeoffray thank you for the report.

    I wasn't able to reproduce the issue, but pushed a potential fix that might help. Could you please pull the latest commit and try again?

  4. Matthéo Geoffray reporter

    With the last version I have in a first time the error "Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'fcom_module' already exists" and if I reload my page I have the first error "Invalid table name.....". Note that if I change the default table name in /core/FCom/Core/Model/Module.php line 5 by whatever I want, the same error appear with the new table name. My database can be in innodb or there is an obligation for that like the collation must be utf8_general_ci ?

  5. Boris Gurvich

    The default collation for DB should be utf8_general_ci but a different setting shouldn't prevent from creating/fetching tables..

    I've made one more commit. Please empty your database, and delete all storage/config/ and storage/cache/ files

    Thank you

  6. Matthéo Geoffray reporter

    I found the problem : My database was named DEV_SELLVANA in uppercase when you check if the table exist in core/FCom/Core/buckyball/com/db.php line 470 the "table_in_{$dbName}" is in lowercase so the table_in_dev_sellvana doesn't exist. I renamed my database to dev_sellvana and it work. It was a case issue. Tell me if you need more informations to make a fix.

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