Add To Wish List / New Account Issue

Issue #78 resolved
Joseph Brown created an issue

This is more of a user experience issue. If a customer chooses add to wish list and does not already have an account they are redirected to a login page where the user can click to sign up for an account. But the new account created automatically requires it to be reviewed. So the customer can never add anything to the wish list until there account is approved. Instead they just get send through the same process again.

Comments (7)

  1. Boris Gurvich

    Thank you. The approval step will be optional.

    How would you resolve the issue when approval step is enabled? Partial login for trivial acitons, like adding to wishlist?

  2. Joseph Brown reporter

    Exactly, the user should have some sort of access to basic usage of the shopping site. Just like the may add items to a cart while waiting for approval. Otherwise it could be a potential loss due to customer frustrations. Otherwise maybe features like wishlist should be optionally hidden until the account is approved.

  3. Boris Gurvich

    It makes sense to have wishlist button visible for not logged in users, to help them get closer to sale. Before user logged in, it's not possible to know if the account is not approved :)

    I think wishlist is the only action allowed for unapproved accounts.

  4. Boris Gurvich

    The other solution would be to keep wishlist in long lived cookie for not logged in users, and merge into customer account once logged in or registered.

  5. Joseph Brown reporter

    I would go with the cookie approach myself, that way the user wouldn't have to create an account just to have use of visual functionalities that exist.

  6. Joseph Brown reporter

    A cool feature might allow the user to add their email address to either the list view and/or when add to wishlist is clicked. With a message like stateing "Add email address to be informed of changes to stock and price changes." That would be a nice opportunity to convert shoppers into buyers.

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