Star Rating Bug

Issue #19 wontfix
Ron Pringle repo owner created an issue

If a user chooses a ten star rating system, rates movies, and then subsequently changes to a five star rating system, the rating id for certain star ratings may not match to an actual rating.

For example, if you rated a movie 2.5 stars in a ten star system, the rating id is 7. There is no matching rating in the five star system, so rating id 7 doesn't exist and a rating of '0' is returned instead.

I've put into place a temporary fix for the Movie Details page that shifts any odd rating id numbers in a five star rating up by one, effectively rounding the rating up by a half star.

This does not solve the problem on the Movies by Rating page where the query matches by rating id. The query could be altered to check for odd rating ids in a five star system and match both the odd rating id, for example '7', and the actual rating id, which in this example would be '8', returning a 1.5 rating for a five star system.

However, this feels like a band-aid on a problem that should probably be fixed at the database level if possible.

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