Email Confirmation Function

Issue #8 resolved
Ron Pringle repo owner created an issue

Add email confirmation function to registration procedure.

  1. Generate unique code and timestamp(?).
  2. Save code and timestamp in users table.
  3. Create HTML/Text email template.
  4. Build 'send email' function.
  5. Build out account activation function.

Comments (1)

  1. Ron Pringle reporter

    Completed the revised user registration system to include email confirmation functionality, including sending of email with confirmation code link. Added additional route to handle confirmation link and related controller and views to handle the confirmation process and error handling.

    Also revised the actual registration process to send user to a pre-confirmation page after registering but before confirming.

    Fixed some minor bugs with redirection on logout as well.

    Some additional code for utilizing dynamically linked country/region/city dropdowns on the User Settings page was also committed but it's in a non-working state.

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