
Sergio Luiz Araújo Silva Close all buffers but current one

Updated by Sergio Araújo

File deleteallbuffers.vim Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
 " the main reference:
 " needed function preserve to avoid `"
 " this function can be used for many other things like reload vimrc withou moving the cursor
Updated by Sergio Araújo

File deleteallbuffers.vim Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+" the main reference:
 " needed function preserve to avoid `"
 " this function can be used for many other things like reload vimrc withou moving the cursor
 " or reindent the current buffer keeping the cursor position
Created by Sergio Araújo

File deleteallbuffers.vim Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+" needed function preserve to avoid `"
+" this function can be used for many other things like reload vimrc withou moving the cursor
+" or reindent the current buffer keeping the cursor position
+" preserve function
+" Utility function that save last search and cursor position
+" video from
+" using 'execute' command doesn't overwrite the last search pattern, so I
+" don't need to store and restore it.
+if !exists('*Preserve')
+    function! Preserve(command)
+        try
+            let l:win_view = winsaveview()
+            "silent! keepjumps keeppatterns execute a:command
+            silent! execute 'keeppatterns keepjumps ' . a:command
+        finally
+            call winrestview(l:win_view)
+        endtry
+    endfunction
+command! BufOnly silent! call Preserve("exec '%bd|e#|bd#'")
+cab bo BufOnly

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