Binary works fine in Sabayon Linux! =)

Issue #16 new
LaserTribble created an issue

Just a quick note to let you know that your Linux beta binary works just fine in Kubuntu, a Gentoo variant. All I had to do was install the Alure package (sudo equo install alure) and I was off and running. (Admittedly, I have yet to really play through the game, but I was running around the first level with sound just fine. :)

I have zero idea what the build deps of Gentoo would entail, but doing a quick search on my system finds that "emerge alure openal" will take care of your libraries, but as far as the enigma engine itself goes I can find nothing in portage and thus can not figure out all the dependencies. Then again, anyone with the skill to install Gentoo can probably read error messages as easily as their native language, so I'm sure they can figure it out on their own. :P

Thank you so much for porting this game to GNU/Linux! You are doing my favorite OS a HUGE favor by porting such a masterpiece, and I am truly grateful. Keep up the good work!

Comments (3)

  1. Seth Hetu repo owner

    Thanks so much for testing this out; glad to hear that it's working for you on your preferred flavor of GNU/Linux. The whole point of this project was so that people could play the game on their own systems.

    Just FYI, the Ubuntu packages required for compilation are listed here:

    I've also built this on Arch Linux, after tracking down the equivalent packages. Gentoo should work with some prodding. I actually compiled all binaries (Linux, OS-X, Windows) from Linux Mint, if that's any help.

    Once again, thanks for testing the binary!

  2. LaserTribble reporter

    Okay, I'm not sure if this will help you any or not, but here goes...

    Looking at the build dependencies listed on the link you posted, here's the Gentoo equivalences in order -

    • sys-devel/gcc
    • sys-libs/zlib
    • media-libs/glu
    • media-libs/alure
    • media-libs/libvorbis
    • media-libs/dumb

    To install them a simple "emerge gcc zlib glu alure libvorbis dumb" should fetch everything you need to build from scratch. Likewise, "equo install gcc zlib glu alure libvorbis dumb" should work for Sabayon.

    When you do finally get to the point where you feel confident releasing it, the documentation for creating a Gentoo ebuild is here - However, if you wish to save your sanity I would ask for help on the Gentoo forums at Hopefully somebody who knows the distro well could be begged^w lovingly coerced into writing one for you. :)

    Also, I would strongly advise you add to the documentation a note about "qjoypad". It's a handy little program that converts joypad input into keyboard signals. Very handy for Iji.

    Anyways, I'm not a programmer so I hope this is of some use to you - it's all I can do to help! Thanks again, and do take care.

  3. Seth Hetu repo owner

    Thanks, this is great information! I am not planning on releasing a Gentoo build, but if someone offers to do it I will point them to this page. Thanks again!

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