mp3/ogg doesn't work on Windows

Issue #8 new
Seth Hetu repo owner created an issue

We are currently using WAVs on all platforms because my cross-compiled OpenAL doesn't detect libmpg123 correctly. I'm happy using oggs... but it doesn't detect those either. This adds ~100mb to the download, which is just insane for this kind of thing.

Comments (1)

  1. Seth Hetu reporter

    Tested with the correct compiled OpenAL dll, and it still doesn't work. Actually, it seems that ALURE will dispatch through mpg123 for mp3 support. However, something about the way these libraries are linked isn't working in the MinGW transition ---maybe they're out of order, or the symbols are somehow optional.

    I also tried with every MinGW-compiled DLL in the directory, and it still doesn't work. I think there needs to be something compiled in statically here.

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