No Pivot Table Rendered with JIRA Filter Macro

Issue #13 new
Dalton Abrillo created an issue

I created a Pivot Table using a table created by the JIRA Filter macro. When I preview the page, I can see the Pivot Table, but when I save the page, I can see the headings only.

I created another Pivot Table using a manually created table and when I save the page, the Pivot Table is rendered correctly.

Comments (7)

  1. Xavier Arques


    Sorry for this problem. I suspect a real time issue as Jira Filter macro rendering in performed at client side and sometimes the table passed to Pivot Table is empty because the rendering occurs later.

    Could you answer to the following questions:

    1. Did you try different Jira queries ?
      1. If yes, is the Pivot table always empty ?
      2. If no, could you try others Jira queries (one with key = xxx-yyy, replace xxx-yyy by a valid issue key) to check if the Jira query processing duration could be the root cause of the problem


    Xavier Arques

  2. Hans Peter Erbs-Hansen

    I'm having the same exact issue - The pivot table has headers but contains no data. If I manually build a table with the same values as should be generated by the JIRA macro it works just fine.

    Trying a single JIRA issue doesn't help, but I suspect you're right that it's dependent on the JIRA query speed. I'm not expert in Confluence Addon coding, but it seems like a better idea to listen for some kind of response from JIRA before calculating the Pivot table / values.

    Thank you in advance for your help!

  3. Bobbejo Kohler

    Is there any plan to fix this in the near future? The concept is perfect for what we need, but only if I can get the JIRA Filter macro to render.

  4. Xavier Arques

    Hi everybody,

    Sorry for not answering earlier. I'm very busy and I can not spend as much time as I would like to maintain this plugin.

    Unfortunately, the Jira Filter macro has evolved a lot and is no more compatible with the way Pivot Table is computing the body table (The Jira Filter macro rendering is performed asynchronously)

    To fix this issue, I would have to refactor entirely Pivot Table and perform the rendering asynchronously at client side in Javascript I have no idea how long it can take.

    Any open source contribution would be appreciated


  5. Xavier Arques

    Hi everybody,

    I'm working on a new version based on pivottable.js that should work with Jira macro (not yet tested).

    But this version won't be compatible with the Chart Macro.

    So I will deliver a separate Pivot Table macro compatible with Jira but not compatible with Chart Macro. Any objection/suggestion?


  6. Hans Peter Erbs-Hansen

    @seuqra : Thanks for the update!

    Beggars can't be choosers, and even without Chart Macro compatibility, a good pivot table addon would bring value for me. =)

    God's speed!


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