Convert System.Classes.TCollection to DSharp.Collections.IList

Issue #8 closed
Former user created an issue


is there a possibility to convert a System.Classes.TCollection to a DSharp.Collections.IList, which I need for TTreeViewPresenter.View.ItemsSource.

I have a model (from a datasnap-server) with a System.Classes.TCollection<T>.



Comments (5)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    You will have to write a wrapper for your TCollection. As we are moving to Spring4D collections and abandon the DSharp ones we might add such class to Spring4D.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    How are your plans? Should all DSharp-functionality goes to Spring4D? How is your rough timeframe for this?

  3. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    First step will be to drop the DSharp collection and multicast event types as they are contained in Spring4D but incompatible to each other.

    That will mean DSharp will be dependant on the Spring4D base package which contains these types.

    Migration will be simple search and replace (like replacing DSharp.Collections with Spring.Collections in the uses and such)

    This will be done in first quarter of this year.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Would you accept a patches from someone else? (Seems like a relatively easy patch and feeling like getting involved.)

  5. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Contributions are always welcome but I already added TCollectionList<T> to Spring4D.

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