Marshmallow should support compound Primary Keys

Issue #101 on hold
Todd Flora created an issue

Single primary key while optimal is not always the case especially with legacy data. It would be wonderful if Marshmallow had support for compound primary keys.

Is there a current workaround for this?

Comments (8)

  1. Linas Naginionis

    This could be quite a huge task because I intentionally designed MM to not support compound primary keys. Since currently I almost have no spare time (personal reasons) I can't predict when this feature could be implemented. It would be great if we could receive some thoughts or support from community on this issue...

  2. Todd Flora reporter

    Yes I get that. And we are totally on board with Single field Primary Keys for all our new development. We were just hoping that we could use Marshmallow for our legacy data also. It is OK though I would agree that on a project like this where none of you are getting paid, you have to pick your battles and supporting compound keys is a lost cause.

    Thanks I had to ask :)


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