Unable to run tests for Delphi 10.2.1 for Win 32/64

Issue #261 resolved
Ville Aho created an issue

I'm unable to run Tests when building Spring4D for Delphi 10.2.1 When building I get:

        D:\Libs\Spring4D\Source\Core\Interception\Spring.Interception.ClassProxy.pas(284): error F2084: Internal Error: C12945
    Done building target "_PasCoreCompile" in project "Spring.Tests.Delphi10Tokyo.dproj" -- FAILED.

    Done building project "Spring.Tests.Delphi10Tokyo.dproj" -- FAILED.


D:\Libs\Spring4D\Source\Core\Interception\Spring.Interception.ClassProxy.pas(284): error F2084: Internal Error: C12945

These are the settings I've chosen: spring.png

I tried to build it as an administrator. I had Berlin earlier and with that it worked fine.

I have the latest version of Delphi(10.2.1), win10(build 10240). I used the tip version and few months older 1.2 version.

Any ideas about what's causing this?

Comments (6)

  1. Ryan Potts

    I am having the same issue. To add, I have found that the Debug build is fine and the Release build fails. I have also left off the 64 bit build and only had the 32 bit build. I am using the recently released version of Delphi as well. I have not attempted a build with code commited after 5ed61ee55fee1e6a39bfd1006534ef837f1fcfe3 cleanup (removed IReflection which was redundant), this is where hotfix/1.2.1 is at. My attempt to build was recent, I have not tried including the commits from branch develop or the more recent feature/* branches.

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