Advertise the Google Spring4D group

Issue #29 on hold
Jeroen Wiert Pluimers created an issue

Comments (6)

  1. Lars Fosdal

    Suggestion: Create a Spring4D page on Google+ and on that page, point people to the Bitbucket repository, Google group, and blog, etc. Makes it easy to discover.

  2. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    And how would people discover the Spring4D page on G+ any easier than this page on bitbucket (which already is referenced by It would just create yet another place we have to administer.

  3. Lars Fosdal

    It's a navigational stepping stone. Easy to find, easy to use. It's not something you need to administer, once created, it's just there, like a reference. When in Google+, the Spring4D page name will appear first in search results.
    The page can be linked with the web site, and that helps for search ranking.

    That said, the Page can be used for posting on Google+. The page can have more than one administrator, which means more than one person can post using the Page. I see that I am drifting into marketing drone territory here, but pages are a good thing on Google+, especially for discoverability.

    It can even be deleted, if you are unhappy with it :P

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