Please update Wiki and other links to current support forums

Issue #315 closed
Larry Hengen created an issue

Looks like all google groups posts are from 2018. I am looking for a support forum for Spring4D's Persistence Layer (Marshmellow). I posted a general query in Delphi-Praxis to no avail. There is no Spring4D third party forum there. Seems weird that it's big enough for a conference, but not for a support forum on Delphi-Praxis.

I have google and found very little, likely due to the unfortunate choice of names (Marshmellow conflicts with the Android release). I did find Linas' original BitBucket repo which has much better getting started info that this repo's wiki, but didn't answer my questions.

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    "Looks like all google groups posts are from 2018"

    Where does it "look like"? The last 8 or 10 threads are from this year and google groups are the way we are doing it for years - no need to fragment this even more - Delphi Praxis has third party subforums for projects that were previously present in their own G+ group or did not care to set up their own place. In fact google groups work way better than any other places - I get email whenever someone asks something there - this is not the case on SO, german or english Delphi Praxis so I have to monitor these places manually and perform some search every once in a while to make sure to not miss any questions.

    Also FWIW I already announced putting development for the ORM on hold as I am simply lacking the resources and interest to compete with several capable ORMs out there (like TMS Aurelius for example).

  2. Larry Hengen reporter

    So you latched onto one thing that I said that you found objectionable and ignored the rest of the request. There is no link on the wiki page or any indication where to get support that I could see. That was all that I was asking. You are correct in that there are several threads dated after January. No need to defend the choice of google groups, I was just asking where the "official" place was because I wasn't sure where was the best place to ask questions. Thank you for the clarification, and the announcement that I missed regarding the ORM.

  3. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    The link is right there when you land on the project page (more text below the image):


    It can be however that any non logged in user or "me" lands on a different page and does not immediately see it - I have had similar experiences when I was not logged in. That plus the fact that after the recent redesign of bitbucket the README is displayed below the files listing thus may easily be missed - please let me know if that is the issue so I can address that.

    P.S. If I had ignored the request I would have closed the issue which I did not do - I merely commented on the points to brought up in your text which I thought required an explanation - no need to be snarky though.

  4. Larry Hengen reporter

    My apologies. I even searched the page this morning for google. Don't know why I didn't get a hit. Time to change my prescription. Can you please close/destroy this issue?

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