Support for current Delphi 10.3.2 Beta w/ Macos 64-Bit

Issue #319 closed
Rollo W created an issue

Hello Stefan,

do you have plans to support the current Beta in your development or other branch ?

Comments (6)

  1. Rollo W reporter

    Thats a pity, so a lot of tests cannot be made.
    If your library is “derived work” or not may be a case the lawyers have to decide, I see this a little different.

  2. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    The point is that people under beta NDA can talk about it but this issue tracker and the repo are public - got it?

  3. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    I added the necessary changes to develop - however I personally did not do any testing beyond trying to compile via the command line compiler because I don’t have access to OSX.

  4. Rollo W reporter

    Thanks for the info, I already downloaded the new version.
    I’m afraid I can only check from next week, since at the moment the Android-64 change is more important to me.

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