Overriding the value of the Inject attribute on a property in a derived class will not be applied

Issue #373 open
MasterpieceDeveloper created an issue

// overriding the value of the Inject attribute on a property in a derived class will not be applied,

// the value will be used when describing the attribute in the base class

TInjectedClass = class(TObject)

‌ [Inject(1)]

‌ property InjectedProperty: Integer read FInjectedProperty write FInjectedProperty;


TNotInjected = class(TInjectedClass)

‌ [Inject(2)] // useless

‌ property InjectedProperty;


Comments (3)

  1. MasterpieceDeveloper reporter

    So far replaced Spring.Container.Builder

    if not model.PropertyInjections.TryGetFirst(injection,

    TInjectionFilters.ContainsMember(prop)) then

    if model.PropertyInjections.TryGetFirst(injection,

    TInjectionFilters.ContainsMember(prop)) then


    And Spring.Container.Core TContainsMemberFilter.IsSatisfiedBy

    Result := injection.Target.Name = fmember.Name

  2. Stefan Glienke repo owner
    • changed status to open

    I can confirm the issue but the suggested change does break one unit test. I have a slighly different fix but have to verify it does not break anything.

    Especially as you can in fact have two similar named properties (even though that is smelly code) that don't have to do anything with each other and thus should both handled by the injection and not cancel each other out.

  3. MasterpieceDeveloper reporter

    Your test crashed for a reason: Injection.Target = nil comes in TContainsMemberFilter.IsSatisfiedBy, which is strange in itself

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