DemoFMXSimple not showing blinking caret for TEdit

Issue #378 wontfix
Rick Wheeler created an issue

In the DemoFMXSimple app, the blinking caret for TEdit and other controls is not working until the application is re-activated. To replicate:

  1. Place a TEdit on the MainForm and then run the application.
  2. Click in the TEdit when the main form shows, and no blinking caret is shown.
  3. Either focus another app then switch back to the demo, or minimise / maximise the application to “reactivate” the app
  4. The blinking caret is now shown.

This is only happening within the Spring demo app with the TContainer methods for creating the Mainform. I’ve test with a standard FMX app with the dpr code as shown below and the caret is working fine on the main form.

  Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);

The above works fine with a blinking caret.

If the DemoFMXSimple is the recommended startup protocol for mobile, then this issue needs to be resolved before it can be used in production.

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