errors for OSX64 ARM platform

Issue #382 resolved
Gernot Baecker created an issue


the build routine does not provide a compilation for OSX64 ARM. The attempt to use the OSX packages results in an “unsupported dcu format”. Would it be possible to include this platform in the installer?

Kind regards


Comments (4)

  1. Gernot Baecker reporter

    the full error message is:

    [dccosxarm64 Fataler Fehler] InterfaceMediaMobile.pas(8): F2048 Bad unit format: 'C:\RXlibs\spring4d\Library\Delphi11\OSX64\Debug\Spring.Collections.dcu' - Expected version: 35.0, MacOSX(ARM64) Found version: 35.0, MacOSX(x64)

    Any help would be appreciated - I willing to help with testing any additional setting for the build routine

  2. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Since you did not specify a version I am assuming you meant 1.2 - I am not adding any platform support to that version and 2.0/develop has had OSXARM64 support for quite a while now - however, building the entire project group can be a bit iffy and produce some linking error for the unit test project but should produce the dcus from the packages.

  3. Gernot Baecker reporter

    You are right - I am using 1.2. thanks for pointing me to 2.0/develop - I can use that instead

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