"Invalid class typecast" when opening the Marshmallow GettingStarted demo with data

Issue #41 resolved
Rick Wheeler created an issue

Downloaded the latest Marshmallow branch, compiled & installed the packages. Then compiled a ran the demo, created some records, closed and re-opened the program and the "invalid class typecast" error occurred in ViewMain.pas on line 214: FProducts := FSession.FindAll<TProduct>;

Running in Delphi XE5 using SQLite. PS. This is my first time logging an issue so I hope this is descriptive enough for the team!

Comments (7)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Thanks for your report. Anyway feature branches are work in progress and not supposed to be something anyone can work with. Especially this feature is in the middle of being restructured so don't expect it to work at this point in time.

  2. Rick Wheeler reporter

    Thanks for replying to the issue. Just wondering if you have any feedback about using this or the original: https://bitbucket.org/soundvibe/marshmallow/wiki/Home ?

    It's kind of a tease to not be able to use something like this. Right now I'm in the middle of a refactor of an existing DB project and it would be perfect for our needs. At the moment I'm writing a basic/rudimentary ORM from scratch, no advanced features and a bit of copy/pasting.

    Any feedback or ideas? Cheers.

  3. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Well, I could say use the original one but that will not be supported anymore and if you get any problems I would say well use the migrated one once it's done.

    Our resources are somewhat limited but the migration is going slower than I was hoping for and I will try to speed up that process.

  4. Rick Wheeler reporter

    Once again thanks for the prompt response. For now I will await the new migrated version, no point in just having to refactor later when it is done.

    I completely understand the lack of resources issue, we are in the same boat just making to best of what we have. In saying that, it there anything that I can do to help, be that as a beta tester or contributor? I'm willing to pitch in where possible since it is in our collective interests that these features become part of the main branch. We've already fully adopted the Spring4D framework and parts of the DSharp framework (mainly for Mocks) so we might be able to help in some way.

    Thanks again. Rick.

  5. Linas Naginionis

    Strange, I can't get your error...Make sure that sqlite.dll is in the folder of your executable. Can you try again using latest commit from the marshmallow branch? The search paths for the demo project wasn't updated at that time so maybe this was the problem.

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