Group By Categorie

Issue #110 closed
Uwe Rupprecht created an issue

It would be a nice enhancement, if tests can be grouped by categorie. I normaly categories my tests of a class or extended record, based upon the functionallity, that would be testet (for example Categorie 'Convert' tests all Operators/Function that convert).

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Where does the category come from?

    I am assuming you are referring to the CategoryAttribute from DUnitX. Keep in mind that TestInsight agnostic and does therefor not support any specific features that other frameworks don't have.

    You can however modify the TestInsight.DUnitX unit to build your own result names and thus let them group by category in the "group by fixture" view.

  2. Uwe Rupprecht reporter

    Sure, the Category Attribute was my intention. As i only work with DUnitX, i didn't know, that other frameworks doesen't have this option.

    So i follow your idea, to modify the TestInsight.DUnitX unit for building the result :)

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