Clicking "Run selected test" causes running all of the tests when all checkboxes are unchecked

Issue #116 invalid
Pawel created an issue


Clicking "Run selected tests" results in running all of the tests...

When user selects any of the ckeckboxes the behaviour is correct.

Comments (4)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Are you sure you are using 1.1.5? Even there when no test was selected it did skip them all. If you modified any of the client source however that might have changed the behavior, make sure this is not the case.

  2. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Don't create the TTestInsightRestClient yourself to see if the server is running and don't just call some methods on it.

    There is some internal state in the TI server that resets some value after calling GetOptions which is needed to properly behave when running from the TI plugin or when debugging. If you create the client yourself it calls GetOptions in its ctor and thus resets this state causing the tests to be executed.

  3. Pawel reporter

    This code is based directly on Wiki entry

    It's purpose was to run tests whether TestInsight is running or not (inside runner or GUI- when executing it without IDE)

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