TestInsight Explorer Run buttons disabled

Issue #140 closed
Didier Cabalé created an issue

Environment: Delphi 10.4.1 ; Windows 7 hosted on a VirtualBox VM


Comments (5)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    What should I do with a report like this?

    Please provide more information. What did you do? Do you have the project opened? Is it marked as TestInsight project?

  2. Didier Cabalé reporter

    Ok, here is what I did:

    1. I opened a Test project correctly configured for running with TestInsight
    2. When I run this project, the TestInsight Explorer opens, and show me the results, as shown by my picture

    Besides, the project was marked as a TestInsight Project.

    Just discovered: wanting to unmark the project as a TestInsight Project, the mark remains there .. but the TestInsight Explorer Run buttons are now visible, and clickable → ??

  3. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    If the checkmark does not disappear that’s a sign that the project has the TESTINSIGHT define in one of its configurations which is not the base one. While TI looks if the project has this define in one of its configurations it does the toggle by adding/removing this define in the base config of the project.

    Go into the project options and remove the define from any config which is not base (the one called “All configurations - All platforms”)

  4. Didier Cabalé reporter

    Ok, I got it. (Thanks for your help)

    IMHO, for adding more flexibility, you should allow the user to set TestInsight (context menu > checkmark TestInsight) *also at the configuration level*.

  5. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    While I could it would bring too little benefit for the amount of code complexity it would add.

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