Add Functionality to show more detailed Test Results

Issue #152 closed
Paul Nauta created an issue

When you select a Test in the GUI, I would like to have a popupmenu option to see more details. This could be further implemented by adding e.g. an OnShowDetails event to TTestInsightResult, so that I can do what ever is needed for me. To make things fully functional it would be needed to add a reference to the originating ITest to TTestInsightResult as well.

Reason for this Change Request is that I do a lot of File Based Testing (using DUnit). The Test says simply if the produced file matches the expected file. But especially in case of Failures, I would like to start a FileDiff Viewer directly from the GUI to see where the differences are located. That is also the reason why ITest is needed to TTestInsightResult.

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Test results have nothing to do with the test framework which ITest is part of. I suggest using more sophisticated check methods in your unit tests that tell more than “it did not match” but something like the location and some of the surrounding context - I do this for example in my string equality check (see TestInsight explicitly uses a monospace font for displaying the test failures for that reason.

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