Moving tests to a new class results in the old test methods staying in the TI window

Issue #16 resolved
David Millington created an issue

I recently refactored a test case class to move two methods out of it, into a second test case class. (They were methods testing execution speed.) When this happened, the new methods showed up as passed methods in the TI view, but old method names appeared as skipped. Since the old methods no longer exist, they should not be in the TI window at all.

The process was: a) Have a test class b) Create new class, move the methods c) Register this class to be tested in the initialization d) Somewhere in there - possibly between b and c - I introduced a common base class to the two test case classes.

I'm not sure at which stage TI got confused, but it is now showing the old methods as skipped, when the old methods no longer exist at all.

(See attached screenshot.)

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