Extend right-click menu to copy actual and expected test values from a failing test

Issue #28 resolved
David Millington created an issue

If a test fails with an error like (eg) "Expected: <0> but was <100>" it would be useful to be able to copy the the actual value to the clipboard. (Maybe the expected too, but that's not so important.)

Why? I'm adding tests to a large existing code library. On the assumption the code is okay to start with, it's using the existing values as the baseline. So the process of adding tests is to write a lot of tests, see what they return, and place that as the expected value. This would be sped up greatly by being able to copy the actual value from TI.

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    That is just the default message the test framework provides as an error. It could be anything else like "OMG, it blew up!".

    I think what you are trying to do here is something like Pex does.

  2. Nicholas Ring

    Not sure if this is what David M meant or not but I would like the option to copy any messages, be it "Expected: <0> Actual: <1000>" or "OMG, it blew up" :-)

    If the RM click happened on a expandable node, then it copies all the text for that node and their child nodes.

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