The ability to optionally send immediately or not

Issue #50 resolved
Nicholas Ring created an issue

TI Client will only send at the end of the test run. There is an option to send immediately but there is no way of setting this without hacking the provided code (which would get over written on the next update).

What I would like is a button of the result screen, so it can be optionally turned on/off. This can be communicated to the client when the run first starts (as part of receiving which tests it is interested in).

If implemented, it could be coded in such a way that the client is backwards compatible, so the only negative would be when the new IDE plug-in is used against an old client - The client will not know how to handle the new data stream.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Next version will provide a new endpoint to retrieve the TI settings for the client.

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