Indicate when tests are running (eg with a small spinner)

Issue #57 resolved
David Millington created an issue

I have one test project which takes about six seconds to run, and I also have it set to run when I click Save. I'd really like some visual / UI feedback that it's running.

Usually tests don't change, and seeing that TI did something is reassuring - it reassures that yes, it really did run tests just then and really yes, the latest version of the code is fine. Also, sometimes tests break, and I think I changed code that should fix it, and hit Save (to run) and yet the test didn't change. It leads to a small halt in your thinking as you stop and wonder, "wait, did it just run those tests? Really?" Some indicator of that would be a nice UI tweak.

I think a small spinner in the toolbar or status bar would indicate this quite well, especially if it stayed up for a minimum small time, like 100ms or so.

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