Adding extra linebreak between the expected value and the actual value

Issue #68 invalid
Jo Claes created an issue

Current output : Expected {"ArrayOfChildData":[{"Value":"ChildValue"}]"ArrayOfString":["1","2","3"]} is not equal to actual {"ArrayOfChildData":[{"Value":"ChildValue"}],"ArrayOfString":["1","2","3"]}

Wanted output : Expected <br> {"ArrayOfChildData":[{"Value":"ChildValue"}]"ArrayOfString":["1","2","3"]} <br> Actual <br> {"ArrayOfChildData":[{"Value":"ChildValue"}],"ArrayOfString":["1","2","3"]} <br>

So it is much easier to compare the two values

Looks jira removed my linebreaks so I replaced them with a <br> see if this helps

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    If you want the message to be formatted differently, then you need to change that in your testframe code. TestInsight has nothing to do with that.

  2. Jo Claes reporter

    Of course what was I thinking. Changes are made.. Please delete this issue so there are no traces of my stupidity ;-)

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