Socket error running with DUNITX connecting to PAServer on MACOSX

Issue #72 closed
Alan Chate created an issue

Am running a DUNITX test with MACOSX platform settings that runs as expected when I do not mark the project as TestInsght enabled.

When I enable TestInsight it shows the following error when TestInsight.DUnitX.RunRegisteredTests; executes

Project ?? raised exception class EIdSocketError with message "Socket Error #61"

If I disable TestInsight it immediately runs again as expected with the DUINTX runner.

Should I be able to use TestInsight to run remote debug processes?

I am running Delphi 10 Seattle on a Windows 10 Pro 64 bit system with 32gb RAM.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Socket error 10061 means connection refused.

    Since TI communicates via TCP/IP you need to make sure that it can connect to the machine Delphi is running on via the port range you specified in the TI options.

  2. Alan Chate reporter

    Please feel free.


    Alan Chate

    One-2-One – Classification Management Software

    Ph: (02) 4917 6243 (Intl) +61 2 4917 6243 Mob: 0413 563 750

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