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delphi-smart-code-completion / Home


BDS expert that modifies behavior of code completion to enhance user experience.


  • Uses Levenshtein distance to find partial or misspelled matches. (strings.begyp -> strings.BeginUpdate).
  • Matches CamelCase identifiers based on first character of each word (strings.bu -> strings.BeginUpdate).
  • Matches leading characters of the identifiers and gives them a score bump.
  • Displays results in sorted order based on score given by the matching algorithm. *Currently disabled uncomment the line fSortEnabled := True; if you wish to try it out. Unfortunately this interferes with method completion.

Alpha release currently available for XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8 and Seattle (considered deprecated).

Use the Build.exe to build and register the plugin from sources (XE5, XE6, XE7 and Berlin supported, please send a pull request with added dproj and updated Build.ini to add additional compiler support).


If you use CnPack Input Helper make sure to disable "Auto invoke" checkbox in the IDE Options window.

Contributing/error reporting

See contributing wiki page.
