Commie Hanamonogatari

Issue #45 resolved
Former user created an issue

Steps to reproduce

  1. create Hanamonogatari follow

  2. subber specified: Commie

Bug: Commie's release is displayed on the Hanamonogatari release page, but DL'd/Rel'd on follow page is 0/0.

Unrelated Sidenote: Are you really having to block content due to C&Ds? If so, which content I really haven't noticed?

Comments (1)

  1. Shana Project repo owner

    Commie's release doesn't have an episode number, thats why it won't show up under follows. The one release they've done should still show up on the follows page, but it won't automatically appear on your RSS (unless you have the volumes option ticked). You can send it to your RSS using the yellow arrow.

    Regarding C&D's, we've only been C&D'd for Naruto Shippuden. For that one show, it made more sense for us to comply than try to fight it. If we get more C&D's on shows I care more about we may look at alternative options.

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