CloudFlare's Universal SSL is crap

Issue #57 new
Orvid King created an issue

Due to the use of ECDSA as the signature algorithm, it is impossible for anyone using Opera Classic (12.17 & below) to connect to a server using one of these certificates.

This is completely contrary to CloudFlare's claim, and continued assertion that Opera 8 is the minimum required version, even though they have been aware since October of last year that it does NOT work in Opera 8.

For users of Opera Classic, even when accessing the insecure version of the site, we cannot fetch any resources, due to the resources (css & images) all using absolute URLs directing to the SSL version.

I will not request that the SSL certificate be changed, although there are other free SSL services out there that ARE actually compatible with older browsers, being the one I usually use, and instead will request that the resources not use form, and instead use the protocol relative form, //

As a last note, sorry if this turned into a bit of a rant, I was just a bit annoyed when I went to download my anime, and couldn't. (it is possible to, but is much more of a pain to do than it should be)

Comments (3)

  1. Orvid King reporter

    As an update, the URLs are now protocol relative, which solves the problem I was having with the main site. The secondary part of it, ECDSA being used as the signature algorithm, is still present, but not a major concern.

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