Fetching list of shows to follow from MAL

Issue #6 new
Shana Project repo owner created an issue

[original issue: Uriziel]

Automatically set up follow list by getting watching list from MAL

Comments (7)

  1. Vendethiel NA

    I'd really like MaL to have a true API. Their website is so slow, I'd rather just interface my own interface (local crap) to their API and not have to deal with their code... I don't know if anybody asked for that, but it's probably a big thingie to do (and they might even be recoding the website, for what I know ...). Why is everything closed source :(.

  2. Shana Project reporter

    There is https://github.com/chuyeow/myanimelist-api (which use to be at mal-api.com but is down since MAL changed things I think...)

    Closed source sucks... though I understand why... for me its usually because I'm embarrassed about the quality of the source code. Although in the case of Shana Project its because I'm scared someone will clone the website and use it to make money (I'm strongly against profiting off of anime sharing!)

  3. Vendethiel NA

    Damn, too bad, though I can see https://github.com/astraldragon/myanimelist-api-refactor .

    Although in the case of Shana Project its because I'm scared someone will clone the website and use it to make money (I'm strongly against profiting off of anime sharing!)

    I can feel you, but if shana project becomes well-known (I hope that for you, just heard about it from a friend - advertise more !), it might not be so much of a problem :).

  4. Pieter van der Kooi

    I would love this as I currently have quite a list of shows and adding all of them is pretty tiring. Was already thinking of maybe writing a script that did this for me but if it were implemented it would be even better of course! :)

    What I would really like to see is for the ability to have the same name show up for a show in the feed as it is shown on MAL. My download system is having some trouble distinguishing between differences in the names. One simple example would be shows that are shown as "Log Horizon 2nd Season" on MAL and as "Log Horizon 2" on this site. Now I have to manually adjust those shows so that it knows that those two are the same show.

    But I do agree that this is quite trivial at first but would be a great addition if it were possible in the future. :)

  5. Shana Project reporter

    Looks like that site is going to shutdown lordmage =( Would still like to do something for this, but I simply don't have the time to prioritize it. Honestly, an integration with Hummingbird is more likely at this point.

  6. Shana Project reporter

    Yeah; I'm honestly not keen on storing credentials for other websites =\ Hummingbird is open source, so time permitting I would like to do something with it =)

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