Error 999999 Work Space is read only

Issue #14 resolved
James Lukey created an issue

Using ArcGIS 10.1 on a brand new Windows 7 system, 64-bit with 8 GB RAM. I could use the exact same data on my older computer but it often too way too long and crashed Arc, with the new computer it sometimes works but often spits out the Work Space is read only answer. I am not an expert Arc user but I know the basics.

Comments (4)

  1. Shawn Laffan repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this.

    What directory is being used as the workspace when this happens?

    Sometimes ArcGIS will send itself into the System32 folder or similar at startup, and this is certainly not somewhere one wants to save files.

    Also, have you tried setting the workspace in the toolbox environment?

    Regards, Shawn.

  2. James Lukey reporter

    Thanks so much for your quick response, this appears to have fixed the problem. Also, must say I love the Fish Tracker program, nice work.

  3. Shawn Laffan repo owner

    Good to hear that fixes it.

    I'll mark the issue as resolved now. Please do submit new ones as they arise.

    Regards, Shawn.

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