PDF downloads broken

Issue #2 resolved
Craig Berry created an issue

When choosing PDF from the Download menu, the exporter crashes with the following error:

err:XPTY0004 '297mm' is not a valid attribute name [at line 487, column 9, source: /db/apps/tei-simple/content/fo-functions.xql] In function: pmf:check-styles(map, element()?, xs:string, map?, xs:boolean?) [460:5:/db/apps/tei-simple/content/fo-functions.xql] pmf:check-styles(map, element()?, xs:string, map?) [333:19:/db/apps/tei-simple/content/fo-functions.xql] pmf:document(map, element(), xs:string+, item()) [469:21:/db/apps/tei-simple/content/fo-functions.xql] model:apply(map, node()) [44:9:/db/apps/shc/transform/nuteisimple-annotate-print.xql] model:transform(map, node()) [15:11:/db/apps/shc/transform/nuteisimple-annotate-print.xql] pml:transform(node(), map?) [178:56:/db/apps/shc/transform/nuteisimple-annotate-print-module.xql]

Comments (1)

  1. Philip Burns

    Partial resolution on 2017/0424. PDF generation and download now works. Full utf8 display remains broken, so that certain characters (such as the Unicode "black dot") appear as # in the PDF.

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