rapid navigation confuses OpenSeaDragon

Issue #45 resolved
Craig Berry created an issue

Paging rapidly through a text that has images can sometimes confuse OpenSeaDragon, causing it to have two open images on the page at once. There are actually two instances of div class="openseadragon-container".

Comments (3)

  1. Martin Mueller

    Is it worth saying something about that in the documentation? And is the culprit eXist or could it also be the image server?

  2. Craig Berry reporter

    It's not likely to be the image server. It's probably something in our app but I don't know what yet.

  3. Craig Berry reporter

    Resolved by:

    commit 1ab2aa8ae5ae0c300f525c5123d948e65a9e4a96 (HEAD -> master)
    Author: Craig A. Berry <craigberry@mac.com>
    Date:   Mon Oct 9 18:43:23 2017 -0500
        Better accommodate fast paging.
        When clicking page forward or page back rapidly in a text with
        images, it was easy to end up with multiple images on screen at
        once, usually with the correct one way down underneath the
        leftover images from other pages.
        This can be eliminated or at least mitigated by cleaning up open
        images more aggressively, namely by deleting any and all divs with
        a class of openseadragon-container rather than just emptying out
        the first openseadragon-container, and also by cleaning up
        immediately before instantiating a new image with a call to
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