stanzaic poetry does not display stanzas

Issue #67 resolved
Craig Berry created an issue

Stanzas are typically encoded with the <lg> tag, which is ignored by the display model such that stanzas of poetry are run together with no break between them. Among other things, this makes The Faerie Queene look like some Miltonists got ahold of it and tried to make it look like Paradise Lost. Can't have that.

For extra credit, figure out how to indent lines 2-8 of the 9-line Spenserian stanza an em or two more than lines 1 and 9.

Comments (3)

  1. Martin Mueller

    I’ve forgotten most things about Sebastian Rahtz’s Processing Model, which is the origin of eXist’s TEI Publisher. But I think there should be a quite simple of specifying a format for <lg>. Magdalena at the time had a useful green/yellow/red illustration showing extensions of the Processing Model that were benign, OK, or to be avoided. My distinct memory is that doing something with <lg> would be in the green sphere.

    Magdalena might be a good person to ask

  2. Craig Berry reporter

    Yes, it should be very easy. Probably just changing this:

    <elementSpec mode="change" ident="lg">
       <model behaviour="block"/>

    to this:

    <elementSpec mode="change" ident="lg">
       <model behaviour="block">
        <outputRendition>margin-bottom: 2em;</outputRendition>
  3. Craig Berry reporter

    Resolved by:

    commit d8d5b8c2344cb2f42b2f9f97a689805e733fee62
    Author: Craig A. Berry <>
    Date:   Wed Apr 11 09:54:04 2018 -0500
        Leave space after <lg>.
        Stanzas of verse were not appearing as stanzas.
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