A13393 and A37284 have the wrong black dot character

Issue #91 resolved
Craig Berry created an issue

Many of the single-character gaps in these texts are marked with a bullet character rather than a black circle, which is the standard. They should be brought into line with the standard, essentially changing this:

Unicode: U+2022, UTF-8: E2 80 A2

to this:

Unicode: U+25CF, UTF-8: E2 97 8F

Comments (3)

  1. Martin Mueller

    This is something I should check globally i thought that I had done it but I obviously didn’t do a complete job

  2. Craig Berry reporter

    The “script” to fix this is just:

    perl -C -pi -E 's/\x{2022}/\x{25cf}/g;' *.xml

    I have run that locally and will include the fixes for these two texts the next time I load texts.

  3. Craig Berry reporter

    This has been fixed comprehensively by running the above Perl one-liner over the entire revised set of texts that we’ve just loaded.

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