orphaned annotation crashes review page

Issue #92 resolved
Craig Berry created an issue

If a text has been removed from the site but one or more annotations exist that refer to that text, the review page crashes when trying to build the context for the annotation. Arguably, this should never happen because we can’t create annotations without the text being there, but given that eXist takes a full week to reindex the texts collection after its frequent crashes with all of Phase I loaded, we have severely limited the number of texts on the site for the time being. It may be we need to limit the review page so only annotations that refer to texts are displayed. Alternatively, we could write a script to extract all annotations (including autocorrect annotations) that refer to texts no longer present. But then we would need another script to reload them later.

Comments (1)

  1. Craig Berry reporter

    Fixed with:

    commit 347b99ddc419da71044251fb36572532495d98b4 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
    Author: Craig A. Berry <craigberry@mac.com>
    Date:   Sun Sep 1 16:18:16 2019 -0500
        Only show annotations for texts that exist.
        We've been running with a reduced set of texts, which crashes the
        review page when it tries to fetch context for annotations to
        texts that don't exist in the database.  So eliminate those
        annotations at query time -- we can't reasonably review them
        without context anyway.
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