In A59309, The Fairy Queen, an Opera, page alignments are off

Issue #94 resolved
Craig Berry created an issue

… by about 4 pages. For example, page 26 in the text points to an image marked page 30. We are going to reload texts with NUPOS v3 soon, so fixing this probably needs to wait until after that.

Comments (1)

  1. Craig Berry reporter

    The fix for this was in the facsimile mapping:

    commit 07f4e9cc04a1cabf03bd0d3e458606714cb2f0b4 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
    Author: Craig A. Berry <>
    Date:   Fri Dec 4 11:30:29 2020 -0600
        Fix 1692 Fairy Queen opera
        The page numbers refer to a different 1692 printing which has
        things in the same order as EEBO.
        So we replace "fairyqueenoperar00purc_0" with "fairyqueenoperar00purc"
        and all is well since the Internet Archive has images for both.
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