Packaging behavior fixes mostly

#2 · Created  · Last updated

Declined pull request

There are too many formatting and stylistic related changes in this patch, more of those by whole number multiples than there are actual substantive changes to the code. Please re-submit a patch that consists only of the substantive changes.

Closed by: ·2013-12-31


  • Reimplemented jfxJar task so it uses separate directory to prepare JavaFX artifacts

  • Fixed jfxJar task behavior so it does not package plain jar inside JavaFX artifact

  • Added new property, targetDirectory, which is used by jfxJar and other tasks for collecting files needed for distribution

  • Fixed jfxJar and jfxCopyLibs tasks to copy dependencies to and expect them in $targetDirectory/lib directory

  • Changed all tasks to extend DefaultTask since ConventionTask is internal API and is effectively deprecated

  • Removed extra unneeded arguments in conventionMapping closure values

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