
Clone wiki


FTP Requirements

You will need your Joomla! server to have an FTP account which you can use to upload the results from the Sailwave Publishing Menu.

Security of FTP

A read around the internet will leave you wondering if FTP is really the best option for publishing documents to a server. So lets get a few of the issues out of the way:

FTP is not encrypted

Correct - but the content you are uploading will be publicly accessible so the content not being encrypted is not an issue. However, the username and password are also not encrypted and so that does in theory make it less secure. See out tips below on how to improve security.

FTP Security

You can often set your FTP account to only allow uploading to a certain folder. This is the best approach as it means you can also control where a hacker would be able to upload to.

Set your password long and complex. Sailwave will hold this in the config files so that its not in plain sight. Sticky notes with passwords attached to club computers are *never* needed.

How do we enhance that security

  • SailwaveImporter will only import a valid HTML file.
  • SailwaveImporter will reject files with <?PHP code in them.
  • SailwaveImporter will block direct access to any files uploaded to the FTP Folder
  • SailwaveImporter will quarantine any file that hasn't been uploaded using the SailwaveImporter Joomla Template
