setString on JavaFMI generated FMUs is bugged

Issue #103 resolved
Lars Ivar Hatledal created an issue

setString does not seem to handle either one of or a combination of commas, spaces or newlines. Could be related to #102.

Comments (4)

  1. Jose Evora

    Dear Lars,

    Thanks for reporting. As commented in issue 102, I also agree with you about those characters. The implementation of the DLL communicates with the java application through a CLI so probably that kind of characters are messing up the communication. We will need to use a codification that avoid those characters (URL encoding sounds the best to me). We will work on it.

    I guess you are not having these problems when using JavaFMI. When using JavaFMI, the communication is optimised by loading the Jar of the FMU in the same VM of the MA (no dll is used in this case).

    As in 102, we will work on it and let you know when it is operative.

    Best regards,

  2. Lars Ivar Hatledal reporter

    Yes, I noticed that this is not an issue when loading the FMU with JavaFMI. Unfortunately we use FMI Library and FMI4j in our framework

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