How to build builder?

Issue #80 resolved
Renan created an issue

Hi JavaFMI team!

I need to change a bit the behaviour of the builder and therefore to rebuild it.

How do you do that? I tried with a simple "mvn package" in folder builder and deploy, but it doesn't find the source codes (wihch seems consistent with the fact that the modules doesn't follow the basic Maven file tree conventions). Do I miss something?

Thanks by advance for your help.

Comments (3)

  1. Octavio Roncal Andrés

    Hi Renan,

    If you try to package the project using just maven, you must specify the source directory in pom, putting


    inside the build block. Also you will need to do that with the rest of modules because you'll need to install them to package the builder.

    I hope it helps.


  2. Renan reporter

    Hi Octavio

    Thanks for your answers. I will do that. If you approve, I would like to contribute to the modification of these .pom files, in accordance with the files architecture of the javaFmi project.. Regards

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