Rotate around mouse only when moving

Issue #2 closed
Jeff Sherman created an issue

Rotate around the mouse only when moving! Don't rotate around the mouse in the move mode before the component is actually moving.

Comments (9)

  1. Siddharth Shekar repo owner

    This should be fixed in the latest develop commit. I also changed the default rotate angle to 45 degrees. Give it a shot and let me know if this now works as expected so I can close this.

  2. Jeff Sherman reporter

    During the rotation, can you keep the component to snap to the grid? After playing around with some of the rotation, I get off grid pretty quickly.

  3. Siddharth Shekar repo owner

    I don't think that can be helped if we're doing rotations that are < 90 degrees. For example, if you draw a horizontal line covering 3 grid points, then which point do you try to keep on the grid when you rotate it? If you'd like to keep an item on the grid while rotating it around the desired origin, you're better off rotating first and then moving it.

  4. Jeff Sherman reporter

    Can you add a feature to snap to the pin location then? I want to avoid the situation in the attached picture on the right if I rotate around the mouse...


  5. Siddharth Shekar repo owner

    Right now, the system isn't set up to know what pins are. I think that'd require a significant amount of rewrite. It's something I'd like to do at some point, but probably not in the immediate future. In the meantime, workarounds include either copying an existing rotated item that is on the grid, or temporarily switching off the snap mouse pointer to grid function to manually get the item back (roughly) on the grid.

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