Pressing 'd' when drawing a line to complete shape while retaining mode

Issue #25 resolved
Adrian Bradd created an issue

When generating a symbol, I use Line to draw shapes. If there is a discontinuity in the shape I have to press Esc and then access 'Shape -> Line' again to continue the shape.

Would be nice if something like 'D' for Done could be implemented when drawing a line to end the shape, but allow the user to draw a line starting at a new point.

This overlaps with Delete which is also assigned to 'D', albeit in a different mode.

Comments (1)

  1. Siddharth Shekar repo owner

    The latest develop commit maps this functionality to the RMB. While drawing a line, pressing RMB will cancel the current segment (not the whole line, similar behaviour as escape key) but will start drawing a new line when LMB is pressed at a different location.

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