Allow sensitivity to mouse to be changed

Issue #35 new
Nevo magnezi created an issue

On laptop trackpads, panning across the canvas happens very quickly. I propose an advanced option that allows the user to increase or decrease mouse sensitivity

Comments (6)

  1. Siddharth Shekar repo owner

    There are two reasons why this could be happening that I can think of: either the trackpad reports a very high scroll value or it reports the value very often. If it's the former, we can fix it by setting the scroll value to a fixed value every time but the latter will need a more elaborate solution.

    Once you download the update, you should have the .py files in your <YCircuit>/lib/src folder. Could you go in there and change lines 2257 and 2263 (on the develop branch) in to read

    delta = 120


    delta = -120

    respectively and see if that helps?

  2. Nevo magnezi reporter

    Is there a way to verify the update is downloaded? I have a and a YCircuit_old file in my directory.

    Presuming I have the updated version, I changed the lines as described. I didn't really notice a change. I should mention that the zooming sensitivity is very high as well. Light taps with 2 fingers (to zoom in and out) leads to large changes in the zoom level of the canvas.

    Would it help if I downloaded the source code? I have all the dependencies other than PyQT5.

  3. Siddharth Shekar repo owner

    Hmm, then it's likely the case that the trackpad reports a lot more events than a regular mouse scroll wheel does. I'll look into this later, but for the meantime, you can play around with reducing the delta value to whatever makes it more usable.

  4. Siddharth Shekar repo owner

    The latest commit should address this. There's a new scroll sensitivity option under Options->Mouse. Let me know how it works.

  5. Nevo magnezi reporter

    Yes, scrolling works quite well!

    Zooming with two finger scroll is still sensitive, but in general I suppose it is preferable to use 'z' and 'Shift+z' to zoom.

  6. Siddharth Shekar repo owner

    I've added a separate sensitivity bar for the zoom as well. The low settings work well on my laptop.

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