Quitting the "Do you wish to save your changes" file explorer prompt quits the program, instead of quitting the file explorer

Issue #36 resolved
Nevo magnezi created an issue

Sometimes people accidentally click "cancel" instead of "save."

In my experience, redirecting to the "would you like to save your changes" pop-up is a more conservative approach to a user's wishes and ensures that they really do intend to quit without saving.

Comments (5)

  1. Nevo magnezi reporter

    Unfortunately, the symbols added to the schematic disappear after I tested this:

    Placed symbol -> quit -> clicked save -> clicked cancel -> symbol disappeared after several seconds

    I'll attach a log file.

  2. Siddharth Shekar repo owner

    This was happening because I prepare for saving because actually getting a valid file name and didn't tear down the preparations I had made properly. In the latest commit, I've moved the prepping part to after I get a valid file name so no tearing down is necessary.

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