support package managers by publishing to

Issue #11 resolved
simon repo owner created an issue

This isn't a small topic. Looking at:

and the example of crypto-js usage using bower:

suggests that I can package for

Comments (9)

  1. Markus S

    I encourage you to do this, also adding typescript bindings would be very useful to adopt this package ;)

  2. Simon Massey

    Hey thanks for the encouragement. I have recently started a npm version with the intention of publishing it.

    With regards to typescript bindings the API is hex or decimal encoded strings. Not working typescript environment I am not sure whether folks would use more complex structured types (or even it such a thing is possible in typescript).

    Can you raise a seperate issue for typescript bindings where strings vs BigNumber vs value object types can be discussed (once again I don't know what's possible so lets discuss it on an issue)?

  3. simon reporter

    I have just completed issue #17 which created a pure JS server side class. I needed that for the npm version so that node can test the client and server code against each other.

  4. simon reporter

    Just so that I don't loose the link this article has some good steps about spending up a CI build and ensuring it doesn't break.

    Found that via the morning paper blog:

    Was wondering how to depend on people but not have them injection future vulnerabilities. That mechanism would seem like a good idea.

  5. simon reporter

    Hey @madmarkus I have thought about typescript a bit and concluded I may have been over thinking it a bit. I will raise a new issue for it and sketch an outline on it for your consideration.

  6. simon reporter

    @madmarkus if you could try out the npm version at the link above and let me know that would be a great help. thanks.

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