Handle vector-coefficients as ICs and BCs

Issue #22 new
Øyvind Evju created an issue

Would be more intuitive in the problem-interface if initial and boundary conditions could be provided as vectors instead of list of scalars.

Comments (4)

  1. Martin Sandve Alnæs

    Not without a performance penalty. We currently do this (pseudocode):

    DirichletBC(scalar_space, scalar_function, ...)
    DirichletBC(vector_space.sub(i), scalar_function, ...)

    which works out fine, but I don't think this works:

    DirichletBC(scalar_space, vector_function.sub(0), ...)

    and definitely not this:

    DirichletBC(scalar_space, vector_expression.sub(0), ...)

    I suggest we add issues to dolfin for the features we need and see what we can do for 1.4.

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